YEE HAW! (The New Driver)

I was a new driver once upon a time. But for some reason, back then, I never quite seen myself as I see these new drivers being turned out today.

When you look at them sitting on their air ride seats fully decompressed, behind the wheel, all you can really see is the logo on their ball caps. How the hell can they see where they are going? There's no seat belts on, the heavy metal is turned up as if you were at a rock concert, they switch the first 5 gears from the low side with the engine brake on I might add. When I tried that I damn near broke my neck.

These young ones come fresh out of school and tell tales of miles, women, clubs, fights, cops, heavy loads, etc. I guess to ask about the weather, or how nice it was coming through the Rockies or the coast, or how the little woman is doing, I would be a bore I suppose. Nope, these guys are young and dumb & full of Diesel! Flat out! As long as the diesel is plenty, the engine brake works and the cheques are coming in, nothing else matters.

Especially the speed limit signs, the lights at the intersections, the general rules of the road. I live in a small city where the speed limit on the main through-fair is 60km/hr and has 13 intersection lights from each end of town. With the heaviest and most oversized loads, these young and sometimes mid aged idiots fly through doing 80 to 90 km/hr! Yes the local law enforcement no doubt is the problem, but what do you do to help stop it?

I seen so many near misses as these guys blow through red lights just so they won't have to gear down and gear up half a dozen times, and when someone like myself obeys the speed limit, they crawl up your back end trying to intimidate you out of the lane and at an inch away from hitting you, they swerve into the next lane, overtake you and blow their horn like I'm the S.O.B. and if you're really lucky, you'll catch a finger too.

Try calling the 1 800 # pasted to the back of their wagons, I bet the driver won't even hear of it. Some companies are good but not many of them will repremand the drivers. After all, where's your proof?

I wonder who's to blame for the speed, and the string of laws broken by these new drivers? Is it the schools not doing as much as they can? it the industry, squeezing every ounce of "right", out of the driver to get the product moved at the expense of some poor common Joe's life because the "Professional Driver" wasn't man enough to make a stand for what was right.

(SEE: Stand for What's Right?)

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